November 2021

ERCOT: Power outages could happen again in cold snap

Electricity outages in Texas could occur this winter if the state experiences a cold snap that forces many power plants offline at the same time as demand for power is high, according to an analysis by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas. The outages could occur despite better preparations by power plants to operate in cold weather.
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Christmas Gifts For The Outdoors Person

Those of us that hunt and fish and spend a great deal of time in the outdoors can be somewhat difficulty to shop for. Oh, a gift card from one of the big outdoors stores can always be put to good use but really cool gifts under the Christmas tree is what makes a fisherman or hunter smile! In this week’s column, I’ll list a few items that you might not know about but it’s a good bet the angler or hunter on your shopping list would be thrilled to have. Many of these items are not available at local stores and will have to be ordered but there is still plenty of time to do your shopping via the UPS truck!