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If you’ll promise to laugh, I’ll promise to stop!

In my travels around the USA (and elsewhere) for work, I’ve told quite a few jokes to help lighten the mood in my training classes. The one I can tell without thinking about it is: This blonde is driving, and gets a call from her husband, warning her about a car spotted going the wrong way on the highway, to which she replies: “Yeah, but it’s not just one – there are hundreds of them!!”

Support local businesses this National Small Business Week

For over 50 years, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has organized and hosted National Small Business Week (NSBW) during the first week of May. NSBW recognizes and emphasizes the importance of small businesses in the United States and their contributions to its economic well-being. This year, NSBW will be recognized from Apr. 30 – May 6.

Around Town

April 3-6: Preschool screenings will be held for children from birth to 5-years-old that reside within the boundaries of Terrell ISD who may be slow in developing or having difficulty speaking, hearing, seeing or that have a physical impairment. There is no cost.
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Please steal my Tupperware

A few months ago, I introduced readers to a new addition in our household – a “pretend” breed called a “Teddy Bear”, a Shih Tzu/ Bijon mix. I called her “Fluffbucket” – my wife called her “Milly”. She was really just a tiny puppy body swaddled in lots of soft, white fur. She quickly took over my wife’s lap, and began chewing everything she could get her mouth around – socks, flip-flops, shoes, chair legs…and my plastic containers.

Around Town

March 20: The Riter C. Hulsey Public Library and the Terrell Lions Club are hosting a free income tax preparation event for individuals and families making less than $70,000 each Monday from 6-7:30 p.m.